quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Take the wind.

Take the wind.

I look at the mirror and I don’t recognize that one who were used to laugh of loneliness, for don’t recognize it in his world, fantasies world (life’s pats).
I oppened the door and allowed  tha some many things came in, including you, this new me.
I was hurry , fear and distress. I didn’t like of what I felt, so then, I started to fly through winds’ rythm.
I went up, down... I scattered and refreshed warms... I put out the candles and helped to send wishes. I did storms and changed intensities ( of the waters that fall down). I was living.
Nothing was able to hold me, I was too self-sufficient ; I breathed myself, I absorbed myself,  I spread myself, I interfered myself.
I didn’t find a wall that could stop me, I just found vanes to entertain me (hurts too much surround through these poorly done vanes)... I cut myself by paper what for me, it’s one of the worst types of cuts; small, it’s almost insignificant, but it’s too deep and it’s unforgettable when it’s still is opened.
I enjoyed this time of my life and tried to come closer of God, but, I realized that space is vacuum, I wouldn’t  get come closer (I’m not worthy).
The mirror reflects , in fact, a rainbow, that from the holy hopeful light and the water tha came down of my eyes, formed.
It’s when I stoped and peel off. I broke up with loneliness and wind, now I live by thoughts.
It was good and I learned.  Now I follow this colorful bow that, for me, means the sadness in the sky.
I hope that when I come to the end I can take the treasure, whatever it be.

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