domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

My heart isn’t ready yet ♪

My heart isn’t ready yet 

I’ve been seeing so many people in love and being happy
So then I started to think about this
Why can’t I just smile and love someone?
I just need somebody to really love me

Hey you, tell me the secret
Of how to fall in love
And don't be hurt by the fell
I just need to know what love means
But this time I don’t wanna be just in love, I wanna be loved
And feel things that I’ve never felt

I forgot the times that my heart was broken
I forgot the lies that made me cry
I changed myself, I’m a new person
I’m just waiting my one comes to my new life
I’m ready to make someone the happiest person in the earth
I’m ready to be the another happiest one here too
But tell me why can’t nobody love me, the way I need?
What hells did I do?
I’m just asking for a lil’ bit of love
I’m just asking for some care about me
I’m on game a long time, I won’t give up
Even I'm feel I should do this

I’m gonna keep dreaming with someone rescuing me
Some dreams can come true
I know this, cause’ I’m here
Singing to you
I’ve been waiting for a long time
Maybe, I still gotta learn some more about this
Maybe my heart isn’t ready to start a new love of life
So I just need to respect the desire of who makes me live

I forgot the times that my heart was broken
I forgot the lies that made me cry
I changed myself, I’m a new person
I’m just waiting my one comes to my new life
I’m ready to make someone the happiest person in the earth
I’m ready to be the another happiest one here too
But tell me why can’t nobody love me, the way I need?
What hells did I do?
I’m just asking for a lil’ bit of love
I’m just asking for some care about me
I’m on game a long time, I won’t give up
Even I feel I should do this

(written by me)

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