domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

Be yourself ♪

Be yourself 

There you are, all alone
You’re cowering and seem to be scared
What happened, what did they do to you?
Where’s that smile, but please tell me just the truth

Hey, you’re raised,
You’re with your head up high
You make to the others a good impression
Maybe it’s what you want, right?

You’re cool, you’re cold
But I’m not fool, gimme your hands right now, to hold
Stop going with no direction
Are you trying to escape of yourself, or is it just an impression?

Come back child, I can see you
I won’t be like the others, I know the things they do
Yes, come back, don’t be scared baby
You’ll feel better,” very very” soon
I promise
Somehow I understand
The reason for you had become so confused

They take your hand, promise love
They always say you’re strong, and they always say you’re not alone
And you trust for latter realize
That the things they say are lies
What hells they want, you ask
What hells I did, you blame yourself
 What do they want of you?
Tell me please, I want to know too

Oh, relax my baby, you’re good enough
Maybe they just don’t know how to love
Yes, you can be yourself
You don’t need to hide it of anyone else
Take your favorite clothes and dress
Turn on your favorite songs and sing
Keep looking up high, but not to make a good impression
But, to show that you feel yourself and that you’re proud of it
You know about the things you lived
You really don’t need to explain nether prove anything
Be yourself and let they judge
They always gonna be judges of a concept
And they always gonna judge to avoid to feel the pain
Of how hurts to kill yourself inside to live peaceful in a society built by lies
Which themselves created so that they could recognize that ones who really are dead inside to say that they are normal people
God makes you the way you are, so be yourself baby, don’t let ugly faces or bad praises stop you, make they accept you anyway
Don’t let they label you for to slip of standards
They said you’re strong, so use your strength not just to overcome, but
To force they accept a natural thing, like you baby
Like me

You’re good enough and you know it
If you ever felt exchange sometime,
Change this point of view,
Maybe you were too much for they hold you, so then, they just tried
And lost you

Shine baby, shine
You’re like a star
I can see you through the darkness
Cause you feel what you are

Oh, relax my baby, you’re good enough
Maybe they just don’t know how to love
Yes, you can be yourself
You don’t need to hide it of anyone else
Take your favorite clothes and dress
Turn on your favorite songs and sing
Keep looking up high, but not to make a good impression
But, to show that you feel yourself and that you’re proud of it
You know about the things you lived
You really don’t need to explain nether prove anything
Be yourself and let they judge
They always gonna be judges of a concept
And they always gonna judge to avoid to feel the pain
Of how hurts to kill yourself inside to live peaceful in a society built by lies
Which themselves created so that they could recognize that ones who really are dead inside to say that they are normal people
God makes you the way you are, so be yourself baby, don’t let ugly faces or bad praises stop you, make they accept you anyway
Don’t let they label you for to slip of standards
They said you’re strong, so use your strength not just to overcome, but
To force they accept a natural thing, like you baby
Like me

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